Hotel M is the first private club and luxury hotel in San Jose, Costa Rica. The business caters to Americans, as well as Costa Rican's who
are looking for an exclusive club for hanging out at staying overnight when traveling.
The name and identity were created to represent quality and exclusivity. This identity has been applied to postcards, print advertising and the website
to create a consistent brand image to the marketplace. The result is a sophisticated brand that attracts the exact demographic that Hotel M is targeting.
The retention of high-value members is core to Hotel M's business success and one way they improve retention is through their special events and parties.
These events are promoted through Hotel M's members only email list. eMail marketing serves several purposes; 1) It allows Hotel M to choose who they are inviting
to an event, 2) Information is sent out economically and efficiently to members all over the world, and 3) It maintains the feeling of exclusivity.
Search Engine Optimization
1,500+ Monthly Visitors to the Website
Keyword Rankings
Costa Rica Luxury Hotel: #5 in Yahoo, #2 in MSN
San Jose Costa Rica Hotel: #2 in MSN
Brand Building
Naming, Logo and Identity
Print Advertising
Postcard Design
Website Design
Online Booking
Virtual Photo Tour
eMail Marketing
Over 700 Subscribers
Special Event Invitations
Web Analytics
Referring Source Analysis
Conversion Tracking